It’s All About
Real-World Experience
Welcome to the official web site for Mastering The 48 Laws of Power – a series of smartphone Apps designed to help you acquire, maintain and continually expand your power within an organization.
All the Apps are based on the international, best-selling books: The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, and The 33 Strategies of War, by Robert Greene.
In his books, Greene examines more than 3,000 years of historical writing to distill what the weight of human history tells us about how people ACTUALLY behave in various circumstances (not on how some historical figure thinks we OUGHT to behave).
The first App, Foundations, is designed to help you put this wisdom into practice. It is only through your real-world experience of expanding your power that you translate the wisdom of Greene’s work, into wisdom of your own.

The Foundations
The Foundations App emulates the ultimate mastery experience: having your own super-mentor in the arts of Power, Seduction, and War.
To accomplish this, Foundations provides you with the following:
– 25 audio sessions
– 5 New Bonus Sessions!
– 4 integrated tools
– A member’s web site
– Exclusive interviews with Greene
A Discreet
Becoming adept at the acquisition and use of power is absolutely critical for an individual’s progress and success within an organization and for the organization itself.
However the topic of power remains taboo. There are many reasons for this, but perhaps the most important one is that simply talking openly about power can in fact reduce your power.
To avoid this, Foundations is designed to be completely discreet. The App:
– suggests subtle, but powerful actions to take
– stops playing the moment your earphones are unplugged
– uses muted colors
– uses small fonts in the text-entry areas
– has an optional security function